Schedule Hours
  • Monday – Friday08:00 - 18:00
  • Saturday09:30 - 17:30
  • Sunday09:00 - 15:30
  • 24/7 Service Available
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Our Contacts
A house call involves a healthcare provider, visiting a patient at their residence to offer medical assistance

Emergency Cases

1-202- 361-9660

Home Health Aide

Home Health Care

Hospice Care

Palliative Care

Medication Management


Department of a housecalls health care

A house visit involves a healthcare provider, such as a doctor, traveling to a patient's residence to deliver medical treatment.
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We Provide Various Directions


We are here provide better services

Consultations entail in-depth discussions regarding medical history, symptoms, and patient concerns to gather essential information for accurate diagnosis and treatment planning.

Treatment patients in primary care

Examinations involve thorough physical assessments by the doctor to evaluate various aspects of the patient's health status, including vital signs and physical characteristics.

Accreditation within a given specialty

Diagnostic tests, such as blood work, urine analysis, or imaging studies, may be ordered by the doctor to gain further clarity on the patient's health condition and identify underlying issues.

Better Health While Aging health

Treatment plans are tailored based on the consultation, examination outcomes, and diagnostic test results. This may include prescribing medications, recommending lifestyle modifications, or suggesting specific therapeutic interventions aimed at addressing the root cause of the health concerns.


Our happy client say

Dreading the doctor's office? The facility's house calls saved me! There are no waiting rooms, just expert care in my home. Worth the extra cost.

Mariam Ness

Satisfied Client

Chronic pain kept me housebound. The organization's specialists coming to me meant I finally got diagnosed and treated. My life's back on track, thanks to house calls!

Maria Flynn

Satisfied Client

Newborn twins, sleep deprivation... doctor at my doorstep? Yes, please! The specialists calmed my anxieties, checked the babies, and made motherhood feel a little less overwhelming. House calls are a godsend.

Jennifer Smith

Satisfied Client

Your house calls services give me peace of mind. Knowing Mom's getting the best care right at home is a huge relief for both of us.

Jane Brown

Satisfied Client

Your house calls are game-changers! Having your expertise in my living room makes all the difference. I'm finally back in control.

Becky Linch

Satisfied Client

I would recommend practitioners at this center to everyone! They are great to work with and are excellemt trainers. Thank you all!

Daniel Craig

Satisfied Client